Students were asked to spend 25-30 minutes creating three-dimensional sculptures out of 1" strips. Students were also asked to give their sculpture a title! Here is Dylan and Randy from 8th period with their sculpture
Leaning Tower of Pizza.
CLICK HERE to see other photos from the first day of school!
This was my least favorate project because, I felt like we needed more supplies. This project could be bettered by giving the students more supplies to choose from, and different colors.
This was my favorite proiect because I had fun doing it. It would have been better if we had gotten to use more colors.
this project was my lest favored project because it was the first day at school and people in my grade where in new seroundings
Mrs.b could make this better by encoraging the kids and interacting
My favorite project is
The Leaning Tower of Pizza, because I had fun with it. It would
have been better if more time
this project was my lest favorite because i didn't know my partner the way i could of made this better was to be more frindly
My least favorite prodject is the paper sculptures because mine did not turn out good. To make this prodject better you should have had more colars of paper.
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